Here’s are latest crop of nominations. For more details go to the ESTEEM gallery.

Nicola Pugh and the outpatient PHAM team (pelvic health, hand therapy, amputees, MSK), at Imperial College showed flexibility, support and resilience, redeployed to proning teams, Nightingale-Excel, PPE helper roles, ITU buddies, fitmask testers, as well as therapy inpatient roles.  Those remaining in outpatients rapidly changed their way of working with telephone and virtual appointments.  The team pulled together, supporting each other and their new colleagues through a very uncertain time.

These are the people who run towards the fire rather than away from it! Cedar, a team of healthcare scientists and researchers in Cardiff & Vale and Cardiff University, moved into action to create a clinical engineering equipment library and commissioning, help with frontline testing, to conduct a survey to ensure that lessons learned are not lost, and to identify key COVID-19 resources while maintaining Cedar’s routine work

Neil Tilston-Roberts and the Heddfan Psychiatric Unit occupational therapy team at Betsi Cadwaladr usually deliver assessment and intervention to adult inpatients but they rapidly changed to provide a service to older persons living with dementia or mental illness. They provided essential guidance, risk identification and management advice, ordered essential equipment and guided their adult mental health colleagues in appropriate care and manual handling techniques for the older person.

Inspirational leadership from Panos Pantelidis, divisional manager, infection and immunity, and Dr Alison Cox, specialist scientist, at North West London Pathology. Theirs was one of the first NHS laboratories to have the COVID-19 test ready for use, spending many hours making sure the test was validated with reliable results. Panos, Alison and their team have worked tirelessly to support their colleagues on the front line to save lives.

ACTIVE AT HOME is the work of Anna Lowe, programme manager, National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine and the team at Move More Sheffield. They realised that many isolated people were digitally excluded and rapidly co-produced the booklet to support older people and those with health conditions to stay active and healthy during lockdown. ACTIVE AT HOME has been adopted by Public Health England with 250,000 copies sent out in DEFRA food boxes to the most vulnerable people.

Avril Black and the community diabetes podiatry team at Southern Health and Social Care Trust continued to provide services in the community and acute hospitals.  Clinics were re-arranged and shielded patients maintained virtual contact with podiatrists via telephone consultations and photographs. Patients received education packs on wound dressing and wound care advice.

Author Terry Pratchett sums up the times perfectly; “…. They are strange times, times of beginnings and endings. Dangerous and powerful… These times are not necessarily good, and not necessarily bad. In fact, what they are depends on what “we” are.”

ESTEEM is still open for nominations. Go to


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