Nominator Jacob Bayliss, CEO, says that Vernon joined their team as a link worker on this pioneering project during lockdown, which wasn’t easy. Vernon is a specialist link worker, specifically supporting trans and non-binary people across Sussex. This is a community facing a host of health inequalities worsened by COVID and Vernon has been doing some incredible work with people in all kinds of difficult situations – from sourcing people internet connections and tablets or housing and benefits, to ensuring people continue to access health appointments, food, or heating. Most importantly, Vernon ensures that trans and non-binary people have access to their community and accompanies people to those nerve wracking first visits to social groups and all kinds of community support and activities. Vernon works tirelessly to ensure that nobody falls through the cracks during these difficult times and has undoubtedly prevented dozens of people from falling into crisis by providing a holistic social prescribing service that links people with all kinds of support, and a space where they are heard, seen, and understood. Vernon sees people spread their wings and knows that at that point their job is done, and skilfully steps away. We would love to see Vernon recognised for the brilliant, lifesaving work they do quietly but determinedly every day. ‘I was very scared, worried and lonely before I met you and didn’t know what to do. You have helped me lots. I’m no longer scared and worried and know where to get help If I need it.’ – One of Vernon’s recent clients

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