Nominator Saiba Salam, Social Prescriber Link Worker, says: ‘During this pandemic, as with most people we have had personal ups and downs. We may not see each other face to face as much as we’d like, but we all call each other regularly to check in and to make sure that we’re doing acts of self-love, just like we have been to our clients. I love our WhatsApp group in particular. It’s perfect for sharing tips and if we are not sure about something, we can ask on the group and one of the team will always help. If any of us have had a challenging day, there is always unequivocal support and encouragement from the rest of the team. We all come from different backgrounds and expertise and this has helped us to bounce off each other more effectively. Steffie Vial, for example is great for advice/tips around homelessness, Shamal Warraich is our go to for adult social care queries. Our WhatApp group is also a great source of banter and laughter, which is just what you need especially when you’re on your own, working remotely, as many of us are. MS Teams has been a great avenue to support each other too. We all upload any new services that may come across/have found useful for our clients. We also share our experiences of services, detailing their pros and cons. That way we all become more aware of which services are more effective and ultimately can give a better quality of service to our clients.

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