Nominator Tim Anfilogoff, head of community resilience/regional associate, Herts Valleys CCG/NHSE East of England says that Mary-Ann has provided incredible support and direction to ten new PCN Link Workers (appointed from November onwards) as well as 15 existing community navigators. During COVID-19 she worked tirelessly to ensure clients got what they needed – covered weekend shifts, even delivering shopping herself when no other solution was possible. She organised outreach to thousands of patients, through new link workers ringing shielded patients, and carers’ registers, 85+, people with mental health problems not currently supported by formal care. She bedded new workers into their PCNs, sometimes having to challenge GPs with set ideas. As well as recruiting ten link workers, she created an integrated virtual team with Mind mental health link workers so generic link workers had access to additional skills and best solutions when mental health issues were key. She has kept the team motivated and focused and continues to be a great advocate for social prescribing showing fortitude, humour and persistence. ‘I know her team would agree, ‘he says.

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