During lockdown Pathways Advisors at The Life Rooms have completely altered the way they work. A service that prided itself on accessible, face-to-face support rapidly reconfigured and now operates via the telephone. Pathway Advisors have been taking calls from familiar and new users of The Life Rooms as well as making proactive support calls to The Life Rooms’ community. The team have kept The Life Rooms users at the forefront of everything they do. Since 25 March there have been 5,876 contacts resulting in 1,367 social prescriptions supporting money management and benefits, shopping and prescription collection and 387 prescriptions to support ongoing mental wellbeing. The team have also supported 2,801 referrals from 22 GP surgeries resulting in 391 social prescriptions. The service has liaised with and referred to over 200 partner agencies in order to offer a comprehensive range of support to those with complex and varying social needs.

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