Nominator, Louise Dibsdall, Acting Consultant in Public Health, says that Ikenna is an outstanding public health practitioner. His evidence-based approach is exemplary, keeping up to date with current research and translating it into appropriate actions. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, Ikenna consistently delivered public health campaigns for the benefit of Redbridge residents, including setting up a network of cardiac defibrillators across the borough. However, during the pandemic, he has produced exceptionally high-quality pieces of work to support the DPH in performing her duties. This has included: summarising the PHE evidence review outlining the disparities in coronavirus outcomes for different communities for use by Council leaders; briefing for the Council on appropriate use of face coverings; and keeping up to date with and sharing policy updates. Ikenna is a true advocate of public health and thoroughly deserves this nomination.

Also nominating Ikenna is Andrew Hardwick, Public Health Commissioning manager who says that Ikenna is an invaluable member of our Public Health Team. Ikenna has delivered many positive outcomes for the Redbridge community, However his commitment throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has really gone above and beyond what could reasonably expected. Taking a leading role in developing our communications strategy with local residents, this played a key part in supporting our residents by presenting the right information at the right time in a way that was easy for people to understand and action. Acting as a central point of contact to support local services and professionals with specialist advice and information, his input was pivotal in formulating our local response. All this whilst still managing our local Health Checks program and substance misuse service provision at the same time!! Outstanding!!

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