Nominator Freyja Sears, Social Prescriber for Children and Families, Forest of Dean District Council says that Gary quickly supported the whole social prescribing team to work from home, and was involved in setting up the District’s COVID emergency response for getting volunteers to isolating residents. He coordinated the team to contact GP surgery ‘vulnerable’ lists whilst keeping them up to date with changes to the law and local services. Always ready to calmly adapt to new information as the situation unfolded, Gary is a great example to the team. He also had to juggle the potential for some staff to attend a county support-hub helpline, in the midst of widening service hours (to include weekends and evenings) to support the Help Hub and was on-call whenever needed. ‘There’s probably lots I don’t even know he was working on as he does so much quietly in the background. Thank you, Gary for working so hard for Forest of Dean residents! ‘says Freyja.

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