Nominator Beth Harris, Senior Social Prescribing Link Worker, Torquay PCN says she has got to know their value throughout the last few months. With a mental health crisis very much present, the service they have offered throughout Covid-19 has been invaluable and patients say the same. She has referred or signposted many of her patients into this service and the feedback has been nothing but brilliant – some patients have even been discharged from social prescribing due to the impact they have had on them, therefore decreasing her caseload and supporting them within primary care as well. The team have clearly adapted to the ongoing pandemic in order to support the local population, offering free support and time to those who would usually end up on a very long waiting list. ‘I am very grateful to the team and look forward to working more closely with them in the future,’ says Beth.

Nominator Jane Eastwood, Age UK Torbay and Mental Health support on Torbay community helpline says that the Devon Clinic have been a lifeline for many people who are finding it difficult to manage their emotional health and wellbeing during the last 6 months. People who contacted the helpline were given immediate, free and vital support at a time when it was crucial to prevent a deterioration in their health. As a worker on the helpline triaging all the mental health calls their support was amazing both for herself and those who were calling.

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