Our latest crop of nominations includes paramedics, dietitians, podiatrists, radiographers, OTs and physiotherapists. To find out more go to the ESTEEM gallery.

Tracy Nicholls, chief executive of the College of Paramedics, says that her incredible team have pulled out all the stops to support, not only the College members, but all paramedics, front-line clinicians and students who have found themselves in unique circumstances. They have explored every avenue to support mental health, particularly for those on the front-line who were shielding or had family members who needed support. They kept buoyant, positive and membership focused. They are simply amazing, and their passion and commitment is stronger than ever.

Brenda Nugent and the Nutrition and Dietetics Service, Belfast HSC Trust prioritised their service, trained and redeployed staff within dietetics and to the Trust Community Covid Centre and the Nightingale Hospital. Staff were flexible and innovative, with all outpatient contacts delivered virtually. The Health Improvement Team provided guidance to the Council and Community groups on food parcels.  Many staff were juggling work and family commitments with home schooling thrown in.

Nicola Joyce and the Diabetes High Risk Diabetic Foot Protection Team at Betsi Cadwaladr have done an amazing job to manage high-risk patients with active foot disease. Where patients have been shielding or not confident to attend clinic, they have organised home visits safely, keeping in touch via telephone. They have empowered patients to change their own dressings to minimise district nursing visits. They have continued to support the wards, accepting referrals and giving advice, kept in close contact with nursing homes, and looked after each other and stayed safe.

Allison Paterson and the radiology staff in NHS Lanarkshire, working together as a single unit, faced unprecedented challenges, adapting techniques, increasing distance and time and enabling more patients to receive frontline care. Behind every single image obtained has been a human force of dedicated professionals, including radiographers and consultants, nursing, clerical and support staff who have stepped forward in their call to duty.

Amy Stops and the Cardiff Community Learning Disability Team at Swansea Bay have done exceptional work to support service users with learning disabilities, finding new creative ways of offering support and going above and beyond their normal roles. They created a website with activity ideas for service users of all abilities through videos, activity sheets and information. A badge system helps people to work out which activities are most suitable including yoga type exercises, cookery, sensory activities, gardening, and advice to support mood and wellbeing

Lucy Jones, occupational therapist at Betsi Cadwaladr, has been volunteering with Macmillan for the telephone buddies programme, providing support to people who are living with cancer, many of whom are shielding at home and living in isolation. Lucy has done this while completing her university studies and undertaking her first role. The OT service is immensely proud of what she has achieved in such a short space of time; a much-valued team member showing great resilience and determination.

Congratulations to all. If you would like to nominate a colleague or your team, go to https://ahawards.co.uk/esteem/



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