Chamberlain Dunn Learning was asked by West London NHS Trust to design a leadership and management programme for bands 5-8 with 360-degree appraisals that would help participants in engaging their team, helping them to achieve their potential in the workplace.
Our solution
Through talking and listening to members of the Leadership and Management work stream, we developed a programme that:
- Spans 6-8 weeks and allows time for reflection and a chance to put learning into practice.
- Is underpinned by two theories: building on what’s working well and going for a succession of small scale wins rather than the ‘magic bullet’ overall solution
- Encompasses a variety of learning techniques to ensure that all learning styles are catered for within the modules
- Is highly practical providing relevant tools for everyday use whilst reinforcing the mission and values of the team and organisation.
- Reflects good practice within the organisation by inviting ‘inspiring managers’ to deliver sessions highlighting good management.
Using live examples from the Trust has enabled the programme to draw the connection between good management, staff engagement and high quality patient care. Participants have also put into practice pilot projects implementing any good management practice they discover as they progress through the programme.
Course details
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- Over 140 students completed the programme
- All students received 360-degree feedback and follow-up
- Majority of students rated the programme as excellent
- 15% completed the UWL module Masters Level 7 and 85% completed the ILM assessment
- All students completed a work-based project and presented to peers and senior executive team
- Student projects promoted throughout the trust as examples of how to improve staff engagement
- Comprehensive reference pack with extensive reading materials
- Accreditation by the University of West London to Masters level 7/ Endorsement by ILM