During the Covid public health emergency the small national and regional teams of clinical and project staff
worked diligently to respond to up to 350 weekly enquiries. Each enquiry was reviewed using trauma
informed practice and then we discussed themes in order to develop key social media messages
(#COVIDSafeguarding) and rapid reads to support all health and care staff to protect every citizen from
neglect, abuse, exploitation & violence. Our social movement reach is over 6 million.
We made ourselves available between 6am and 9pm to support safeguarding enquiries from our customer
services centres and citizens living in lockdown in their “pressure cooker” homes where family dynamics
have seen an increase of domestic violence, honour-based abuse, adolescent to parent violence, interfamilial
child sexual abuse and domestic homicides.
#NHSSafeguarding is what we do every month before Covid and now we do #COVIDSafeguarding every
day because safeguarding moments have not gone away; in many ways, they have accelerated.